East Families: Please see additional information about back-to-school, available on the school website or by following this link: https://www.unityeastelementary.com/article/286400?org=unity-east-elementary
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: We hope online registration has been a positive experience for everyone. Returning families, if you have not already registered, please complete the online registration as soon as possible. A reminder that registration should be completed whether you are choosing in-person or remote instruction. For registration questions, please contact the school office 8am-2pm this week. https://www.unityeastelementary.com/registration--113
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: Registration links are now active on the school website. Returning families, please complete online registration today or tomorrow (Aug.4 & 5) if possible. https://www.unityeastelementary.com/registration--113
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
Unity East families, if you are interested in seeing the Educere online learning demo please email Mr. Fisher to request access -  fisherf@unity.k12.il.us   You'll receive a link, username, and password to sign in and see what a lesson and the online platform look like.
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
East families: Unit Seven has been preparing and planning for a safe and healthy reopening of schools. Please visit the East website or use the link below to view the plan for Unit 7 Elementary schools. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LRC8jCp-fjsnWHpqHiPqEypiw_c9emXqRWpYPRV28sA/edit?usp=sharing
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: New information about registration is available on the school website. Please review in advance of registration. Returning families will be able to register online beginning August 4. Families with a Kindergarten student can sign up for a screening appointment on the website. https://www.unityeastelementary.com/o/unity-east-elementary/page/registration--113
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
Dear East families, please see the following information with more information about our back-to-school plan. Teachers and administrators are creating a detailed plan to describe the format and expectations of remote learning for students who do not attend in-person. The remote learning plan will be provided on July 31 so that families are fully-informed before making their enrollment decision. Elementary students who participate at school for in-person instruction (8:15am-1:30pm) will fulfill their daily requirements of 5 clock hours of instruction and will not have any further remote learning after the end of their school day. Elementary buildings will be providing a device to every student. K/1 students will be issued an iPad; students in grades 2-5 will be issued a Chromebook. These devices will stay at school while we are normally in session, but will be sent home if our school transitions to remote learning.
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
Rockets Logo
Dear Unity East Families, The Unit 7 administration and staff are making arrangements for the 20-21 school year. Your feedback and information would be appreciated as we develop our plans. Please fill out the Unit 7 Family Survey by following this link https://forms.gle/TaTys5FepjDzGChP7 You only need to fill it out one time per family in the district. Please submit by July 7th
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
A special thanks to Longview Bank for their donation to the Unity East Rocket Pack program! We are grateful for their support and the support of our community in helping care for our students. For more information about the Rocket Pack program, visit the East website.
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
Rocket Pack Donation
East Families: We hope you can celebrate the end of the school year with us! In just a little bit (3:00-3:30pm) many of the teachers and staff will be lining the bus lane to wave to all our kiddos, cheer for our departing 5th graders, and thank all of you for your part in our school year. Please stay in your vehicle and drive slowly through the bus lane. More information on the school website.
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: Our school is open until 12pm today for a final packet pick-up (summer packets) and a final time to turn in completed packets or other materials. Each student has an individually-labeled bag with his or her name on it. Spring picture orders were received and are included in students' bags. If you checked out a Chromebook, please return at this time. We hope that families can celebrate the end of the school year with us today, 3:00-3:30pm. Teachers and staff will be lining the bus lane to wave to all our kiddos!
almost 4 years ago, J. Carver
Our spirit Fridays are continuing this week, with this week's theme of ENCOURAGING WORDS FRIDAY. Students are encouraged to make signs, posters, artwork, etc. that display encouraging messages, words of inspiration, or motivation advice. If students would like to include a thank you or goodbye message to our long-time volunteer, Mr. Fox instead of (or in addition to), that is highly encouraged. If you would like to participate, please send a picture of your child and their sign to eastphotos@unitsevenschools.com by Thursday (5/14) at noon.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: Today some of our great teachers and staff are at East to distribute students' belongings that were left in classrooms. If possible, please visit during one of our times today: A-L last names,7:30-10am; M-Z last names,10-12:30pm, and anyone from 4:30-7pm. Curbside pickup only - please stay in your vehicle and pull through the bus lane.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: This Monday our school will have curbside pickup for students' personal belongings, as well as the learning materials for the week. Please see the East website or check you email to see times and procedures.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: Please note that our district is observing our planned Easter Break on Monday. Packet pickup will take place on Tuesday only next week, 7:30am-6pm. Starting this week, there will be a packet turn-in bin for completed student work to be dropped off on packet pick-up days. More information is available via email and on the East website. All available resources for next week are currently posted on the school website. We wish all of our students and families a happy Easter weekend!
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
It was great to see everyone who could make it out today! If you have some good photos to share, we’d love to see them in the PTO Facebook group, or shared with your kids’ teacher. We miss you all and are here for you! Go Rockets!
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
It’s a great day for a local parade! East teachers and staff will be driving through Sidney and Philo in a few hours and would love to see our students and families! The routes are posted online. Sidney starts at 4:00 and Philo around 4:45. We respectfully ask and remind everyone to avoid gathering around others. Please respect social distancing guidelines.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: Teachers and staff are looking forward to seeing our community this Thursday! Attached are the routes we will be driving, starting in Sidney at 4:00 and Philo around 4:45. We hope to see many of our students and families, but we strongly ask everyone to follow social distancing guidelines. We may be coming by your home, but if not there are many spots along the route to spread out.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
Sidney Parade Route
Philo Parade Route
Please disregard the announcement about Kindergarten Orientation. It is still postponed until further notice.
about 4 years ago, J. Carver
East Families: This Thursday Unity East teachers and staff will be driving by to wave hello! We will be parading through town spreading good cheer, starting in Sidney at 4:00 and continuing through Philo around 4:45 (a map of the route will be shared ahead of time). We'll see you soon!
about 4 years ago, J. Carver