East is excited to bring back our Family Volunteer Morning tomorrow (Saturday), 9:00-11:00am. We will have basic projects around the school that kids and their families can work on together. Wear clothes that can get a little dirty! For more info, check the school website https://www.unityeastelementary.com/o/unity-east-elementary/article/1062030 Hope to see you there!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: A friendly reminder that Spring pictures will be next week on Monday, March 27. Orders can be placed online until midnight on March 26. Please note that only students who have pre-ordered or intend to order will get their photographs taken. The order link is listed below with the order code. https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry Order Code: 76648SA
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Today we will be using our Rainy Day Pickup Plan to help students and staff avoid the weather at dismissal. Car riders will be held inside until buses depart at 2:50pm. Once buses have left, we will use the bus lane for car pickup. Please stay in line and pull up in front of the building.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Everyone is welcome at our PTO meeting this evening - 6:30pm in the Unity East library.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Great job 4th and 5th grade! Your musical talents were on full display this evening!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: A friendly reminder that tomorrow is early dismissal at 11:15am, followed by parent-teacher conferences from 3:00-9:30pm. No school on Friday, February 24.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Today we will be using our Rainy Day Pickup Plan to help students and staff avoid the weather at dismissal. Car riders will be held inside until buses depart at 2:50pm. Once buses have left, we will use the bus lane for car pickup. Please stay in line and pull up in front of the building.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Several students from East and West joined Art teacher Ms. Hanners for a fantastic presentation to the Unit 7 School Board this evening. Great job presenting and sharing the many wonderful projects going on in our art rooms!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Art Presentation
We are half-way done and our Read-a-thon is doing great! As a school we have read for over 42,000 minutes (700 hours)! We are also closing in on our fundraising goal of $10,000 thanks to over 280 individual donations. Students whose accounts are set up are tracking their reading in class for 20-30min each day. At home you can track and record reading minutes on their account to earn rewards. Right now we have about 75% of our students participating. If you have not already done so, please click on this link to activate your reader’s personal page so they can track their minutes and earn rewards: Unity East Read-a-thon We hope everyone is able to participate and have an enjoyable experience! Unity East Elementary Go Rockets! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ How does this event benefit Unity East? Our annual Read-a-thon is the primary fundraiser for Unity East and the donations directly benefit our students and classrooms. Donations from this event pay for our family night events, assemblies, guest speakers, field day supplies, and rewards such as Kona Ice visits, popcorn, and pizza parties. These funds also provide for classroom supplies, such as books for classroom libraries, new technology, and program subscriptions such as Accelerated Reader, Starfall, Kahoot!, and GoNoodle. Thank you for your support! Unity East Elementary - Go Rockets!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
A special thank-you to Mrs. Seidlitz's class from the high school who partnered with Mrs. Roberts' 1st grade class. The high school students received a hand-drawn picture of a monster that they used to create stuffed creatures for their buddy. Students in 1R were thrilled to meet their monsters in person on Friday!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Monster Projects
Unity East Student Senate is selling Candy Grams before school this week! Students can purchase candy grams for 25 cents each. Student Senators will deliver the candy grams to classrooms at the end of each day.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Candy Grams
Tomorrow is the start of our Read-a-thon and we really hope everyone can participate! Setting up a page only takes a few minutes, and your support with reading, donations, or both can really help toward our goals. Setting up your kid's page does NOT require any donation. It does allow you to help your reader track minutes outside school so they can reach a reading goal and earn some fun prizes. If you have not already done so, please click on (or copy and paste) this link to activate your reader’s personal page: https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/BTCLKN
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Today - Wednesday, January 25 - Unit 7 schools will be using our district eLearning plan. School buildings will be closed and students will work from home using learning activities that have been sent home in advance. Attendance will be based on assignment completion. Additional information will be provided by classroom teachers regarding expectations for the day. Teachers are available by email for questions and support. Stay warm and stay safe!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Today we will be using our Rainy Day Pickup Plan to help students and staff avoid the weather at dismissal. Car riders will be held inside until buses depart at 2:50pm. Once buses have left, we will use the bus lane for car pickup. Please stay in line and pull up in front of the building.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
East Families: Everyone is welcome at our PTO meeting this evening - 6:30pm in the Unity East library.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
Ms. Garrison's 2nd grade class worked hard for weeks to prepare for their class play. Their hard work led to fantastic performances for the school and their families - great job 2G!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
2G Play
East Families: A friendly reminder that we have an early dismissal at 2:05pm today, on Wednesday Dec. 21.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
The 2nd & 3rd grade performance of Christmas at the OK Corral brought down the house! Great job students and staff!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
2/3 Performance
Great performance by our kindergarten and 1st grade students tonight!
over 1 year ago, J. Carver
K/1 Concert
Unity East Elementary School is looking for two special education teaching assistants for the 2022-2023 school year. Currently, only a high school diploma is needed, but other paraprofessional requirements must be met within three years. Starting pay is $15.98/hour and includes benefits. Employees of Unit 7 who live outside of the district may enroll their children in the district tuition-free. Please contact Janah Sudduth-Mottola, Unit 7 Special Education Coordinator, at sudduthj@unity.k12.il.us/217-485-6510 for more information.
over 1 year ago, J. Carver