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Daily Bulletin

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


Happy Birthday today: Roger Holben, Alexander Ray, Kenley Harris


Today’s Events:


Activity Period: Thursday-Student Council & FCA


If you would like to enter a car or truck into the homecoming parade, please pick up a form in the office.  The cost is $5, and you must follow all rules stated on the form.  Forms are due by 3 PM today, September 28.  So far only 2 groups are participating!

Do you have books at home that you don't read any more? If you have any gently used books for grades K-12, you can put them in the box inside the library and they'll be donated to local kids in need of them. The book drive will go from September 11-30. Thank you and see Sophia Stierwalt with any questions. 

AP students: if you plan to take the AP Exam in the spring, you must sign up in the guidance office by October 3rd.

The Homecoming Bonfire will take place this Sunday, October 2nd, from 6:30-8 pm. Come kickoff Homecoming week with pizza, music, and games!

Congratulations to our 2022 homecoming court:

Freshmen attendants are Shelby Smith and Dane Eisenmenger 

Sophomore attendants are Lauren Shaw and Joe Tempel

Junior attendants are Reagan Little and Aiden Porter

Queen candidates are Paige Farney, Jolie Meyer, Kayla Nelson, Kaitlyn Schweighart, and Kara Young.  Lauren Miller is the alternate.

King candidates are Anthony Chaney, Hunter Duncan, Roger Holben, Gavin Moore, and Nick Nosler.  Dylan Moore is the alternate.

Next week, we will be celebrating Homecoming, with lots of things to look forward to!  Please join in the fun by dressing up for the days of the week:  Pajama Day Monday, Barbecue Dad vs. Soccer Mom Tuesday, Adam Sandler/Sloppy vs. Harry Styles/Glam Wednesday, Class Color War Thursday, and Spirit Day Friday.

Tickets for the homecoming dance will be sold next week in the canteen during lunch.  Tickets are $10 for high school students, $5 for all others

The 2022 Homecoming Dance will be held on Saturday, October 8th.  The doors will open at 6:30 PM, dance from 7 to 9:30 PM, and coronation will be held at 7:30.  The dance is only for High School Students, but all may attend the coronation

Student Council will be selling Rocket Pura Vida bracelets in the canteen all next week during lunch.  Bracelets are braided maroon, grey, and white and cost $8.  Show your school spirit and pick one up!  

Sophomores: If you're interested in a Class of 2025 shirt and have not filled out the form, please see Mr. Heist. Wednesday, September 28th (tomorrow) will be the last day to place an order.

Attention Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, the 2022 yearbook distribution will take place next MONDAY before school and during your lunch hour.  If you are picking up a yearbook for a graduate, you must sign for it with Mrs. Graves. Additional yearbooks will be for sale starting Tuesday, October 11th at 8 am, those can be purchased from Mrs. Graves for $80.  

Anyone interested in Yearbook, please email Mrs. Graves and she will add you to the Google Classroom.  If you are already in the Google Classroom, please see the sign-up sheet posted for Homecoming Week.