Daily Bulletin

Daily Bulletin

Thursday, January 9, 2020


Happy Birthday today: Shelby O’Bryan


Today’s Events:  Girls’ Basketball @ Central Catholic HS; JV 5:30 pm, Varsity 7 pm 


Activity Period: Friday- FFA Chapter, Baseball team meeting; Monday-Yearbook

Attention seniors: There is one page left to sell on the wait list for Senior Ads...please let Mrs. Graves know ASAP if you are interested.

There will be a meeting this Friday at 7:45 am for anyone planning on playing high school baseball this spring.  It will be held in the Health room.

Coach Davis will be holding open gyms every Wednesday evening from 6:30-8pm. Open gyms will be held in the High School Gym.


Attention all Freshmen:  We need workers to sign up for Saturday's Basketball concessions.  Go to Google Classrooms to sign up, please! 

P7 will meet on Monday, January 13th after school! 


FCCLA will meet on Tuesday, January 14th at 7:45 am.


Do you enjoy solving problems? We want YOU on the Math Team! Sign up for the math team by Jan. 17 with your math teacher.  Math Team:  where everyone counts!

NHS Members please stop by the Guidance Office to sign up to work concessions for the Unity Youth Basketball Tournament Sunday, January 19th.

Unity Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be having the first all-school huddle of the new year. All are welcome and bring a friend. FCA Huddle will meet on Wednesday, January 15th at 7:15am in the Drivers Ed room. Come join us for games, food and fellowship. See Coach Davis or Kyleigh Dubson if you have any questions.